National Hispana Leadership Institute’s (NHLI)
seminar “Creative Voices: Why We Write and Why You Should",
Albuquerque, NM |
Intercambio - KSKA -
Alaska Public Radio |
Washington, DC |
University of
Pennsylvania - State College, PA |
Center for Artistic Expression, College Park, MD |
College, Takoma Park (MD) |
Language and
Global Migration, Montgomery College, Rockville Campus (MD) |
Ellipse Arts
Center, Arlington, VA |
Organization for Women. Stop Domestic Violence Forum, Takoma
Park, MD |
Institute for Urban and Psychological Studies, Baltimore, MD |
1995 Women's
Legislative Briefing, University of Maryland, College Park,
MD |
University of
the District of Columbia’s Claude Brown Writers &
Readers Series |
¿Que Pasa en
Montgomery? Cable TV |
(TV Interview Program) Discussion on child toilet training |
"Temas y
Debates" televised panel discussion on the subject of
rape. |
(TV Interview Program) Discussion on sleep disorders |
(TV Interview Program) Discussion on child toilet training |
"Getting Published." Kalamazoo, MI |
County Social Services, Cultural Diversity Training,
Montgomery County, MD |
Academy of Montgomery County. Cultural Diversity Training |
College of
the Air. Spanish Instruction on Montgomery Cable TV |
File," National Public Radio, Interview. Post-traumatic
stress disorder in children. |
Public Radio
of Albuquerque, 1989 Interview. Emotional traumas of the
Hispanic population. |
Things Considered," National Public Radio Interview.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Central-American families
living in the U.S. |
Washington Post, Interview. "El Salvador's War Reaches
Into D.C. Schools." |